

Supporting climate resilient and low emission economic growth and development, CRCC facilitates relevant public sector institutions and private sector organizations with project ideas and design, leading to development of a sound bankable pipeline of projects which can be funded and/or scaled up through diverse sources of international climate finance.

  • International climate normative frameworks and policies
  • Investment methodologies and operational requirements of various global climate funds
  • Existing legislative, policy, and institutional arrangements in Pakistan
  • Needs and potential for climate investments in Pakistan
  • Program and proposal development

Mainstream climate action into the national economic and development strategy


Strengthen institutional absorptive capacity to benefit from international climate finance


Leverage international trends, opportunities, and partnerships to support national actions


Enable catalytic deployment of public resources to attract international private finance, scaling up climate investments in Pakistan


CRCC’s objectives align with attracting and accessing climate financing for the top Green House Gas (GHG) emitting sectors of Pakistan. On average, Energy, Agriculture and Industry, and Forestry emit 98% of GHG emissions of the country.

Sectors 1994 2008 2012 2015 2018
Energy 85.8 (47%) 156.8 (51%) 171.4 (46%) 186.0 (46%) 219.0 (45%)
Agriculture 71.6 (39%) 120.3 (39%) 162.9 (44%) 174.6 (43%) 198.6 (41%)
Industrial Processes 13.3 (7%) 17.9 (6%) 19.6 (5%) 21.9 (5%) 25.8 (5%)
Land Use Change & Forestry 6.5 (4%) 8.9 (3%) 9.7 (3%) 10.4 (3%) 24.9 (5%)
Wastes 4.5 (2%) 5.5 (2%) 10.6 (3%) 12.3 (3%) 21.7 (4%)
Total 181.7 309.4 374.2 405.2 490